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Storm's Approaching

24x48 acrylic

They say I’m heliotropic because I keep my face to the sun, shadows to my back. I say I’m optimistic, happy and bright.
They say I am heat and drought tolerant. I say I’m a survivor.
They say I grow best in disturbed soil. I say I am the life of the party.
They say I am homogamous. I say I’m independent, self-reliant and resilient. They say I may be a phytoremediator. I say I like a tidy house.
They say allelopathic, I say discerning.
They say I am inflorescent. I say I am composed of thousands and I draw strength from my community.
They say, they say, they say…. But who are they?

I am helianthus annuus, the common sunflower, and 2021 is my year.